3Colors are used to indicate states of some elements (green for selected items, orange for warnings, red for errors and so on) or to make things blend in/stick out more. In general, the smaller and more separate something is, the more saturated it can be to grab attention. By providing common color variables we can have different themes and still keep a consistent feeling. In the example below you can see how the colors are represented in different themes. You can also see the preferred text color for that color.
Color shorthand
3.1These colors should be used as default when building new components
Variable | Uses |
$primary | Used for navbars, primary actions and backgrounds |
$secondary | Used for headers and passive elements |
$highlight | Used for selected and active elements |
$hover | Used for hover backgrounds or inactive elements |
There are some predefined colors for standard text that will adapt to the theme automatically:
Variable | Description |
$text-color-standard | Standard color used in panels |
$text-color-muted | Slightly muted color for use on disabled/secondary text |
Main colors